Tjornhus are always in a position to discuss land acquisition, be it by way of direct purchase or in joint venture with the land owner(s). For our Custom Build we are interested in the main, in plots for a large detached house or plots large enough to accommodate six large detached dwellings. Location is important to us, however geographically we cover the whole of the UK. The location by the nature of our product requires the land to be placed in a high value area - rural or suburb. We are happy to consider any plot – without planning, with outline planning, with full reserved matters planning. Of course, should the designated area be considered green belt or AONB, then we would have to consider this more carefully.
For our Fast Track Investment Portfolio we are interested in plots that would accommodate six to sixty units. We would however consider higher density sites. These sites would in the main be located in the North West and located in towns and villages - normally brownfield sites, infills and residential dominated areas.
Should you have such a plot and your thoughts are of gaining planning yourself or indeed building out and exiting with a sale, yet feel you do not have either the confidence or support to achieve this, then we at Tjornhus would certainly like to discuss a joint venture with you.
We would consider entering an agreement with you and proceed to gain the planning required and package the site for design & build, whilst exiting through a full marketing package.
Should you wish to discuss any land related subject, be it direct purchase or JV, then please do not hesitate in contacting us at Tjornhus. Our helpful & friendly team will be pleased to discuss any enquiries you may have.